EagleHeart Ministries, Inc.


Hands of Hope
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Heart to Heart
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Roots and Triggers
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Prayers for the Lost
Prayers of Faith
Soaring Saints

EagleHeart Ministries, Inc. has a local, national and international vision to present the Lord Jesus Christ to the unbeliever, to train and equip believers for the work of the ministry, teaching them how to overcome life's controlling problems in order to live a victorious life.
Life controlling problems have spiritual roots and can be overcome through the truth of the Word of God and a personal relationship with Jesus.  EagleHeart Ministries provides a ministry of counseling and discipleship with a holistic approach to the whole person (body, soul and spirit) assisting those who are overcoming life's challenges.   

We desire to disciple, love, nurture, and equip people who have experienced certain types of life challenges or have been incarcerated, with the necessary social and work skills (when available) to help them gain self-respect and positions of respect.
EagleHeart Ministries does not replace the local church but instead offers individual discipleship along with assisting each person with resources needed to be planted in a church of their choice in the local community beyond our program.


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