EagleHeart Ministries, Inc.

Life-Controlling Issues

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What is a life-controlling issue?
This is any negative thought pattern, habit or life situation that you have tried to overcome but seem to be unable to change on your own.  It has either already or eventually will cost you jobs, relationships and all sense of peace.  Part of the problem is that we have believed a lie, the lie that says there is no hope.
 Anger or Rage -  A strong emotion of displeasure that occurs when a need or expectation is not met.  There are many facets of anger from a slow sizzle to blazing inferno where a person leaves a wake of destruction behind.  Even though sorrow follows an episode, the behavior has a tendency to repeat itself.
Addictions to:  (substances, things, or even people) - Compulsive overpowering dependence on an object, action, or feeling resulting in major life problems.
Homelessness -  A position in life where you have no residence of your own, little or no money, possibly no transporation or may be using that transporation as a place to sleep.  Some may have just hit on hard times whereas others seem to repeat this situation due to poor decision making on their own part or addictions. 
Legal Difficulties -  Life situations where a person is incarcerated or just been released.   Those being released may be trying to reunite with their family who may or may not want to resume relationships.  Some are in difficult situations needing legal counsel for a problem but can't afford it and legal aid is not an option.
Emotional Distress - Depression, oppression, aggression, obsession, low self-worth, intense grief, victim's mentality or rebellion are just a few areas to be mentioned here.  These and others disable the person from thinking clearly and are frequently based on the root of a lies.  The lies being that "I will always be this way, there is nothing I can do about it." and "God doesn't love me or I wouldn't be going through this."
All of these life problems can be devastating to any of us, as human beings.  But, there is an answer that can bring us hope, dispelling the lies we believe which are at the root of the issue .  That answer is the light of Jesus Christ shining in our lives.
Once Jesus enters the picture there is a new hope and purpose.
The Truth IS:
Jeremiah 29:11-14, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you," declares the LORD, "and will bring you back from captivity..."

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