Why are some Christians always struggling and never
seeming to move forward?
Deep hurts and old wounds keep more Christians bound up and
ineffective for the work of the Lord than any other problem. We can't help others if we can't let go of our own baggage.
Jesus said we are to forgive in order to be forgiven.
Forgiveness DOES
NOT mean: that what the person did was right and they should not experience
any consequences for that action. (This is where so many of us miss God on
this issue!)
Forgiveness DOES mean:
that you are choosing to release any negative feelings, bitterness, resentments, anger or blame toward that
person to God and let him handle them. They owed it to God to treat others correctly, they never owed it to us....Jesus
is the one that died for them, we didn't, therefore they owe us nothing.. God will intervene on our part and
either correct that person or bring forth consequences in their lives if they choose rebellion against Him. He tells
us in Psalms that He is our defender so We must Let go of all those unproductive feelings and Let God!. Put
your eyes back on Him instead of being consumed with the hurt you have felt at the hands of others.
When we refuse to forgive others or even ourselves for mistreatments,
disappointments or abuses we are taking matters into our own hands instead of allowing the Most Holy God to give us peace
and hold the other party accountable.
So, what is the problem? Why are so many still
so young in the Lord?
The problem is that many stopped at salvation and thought
that was all there was to it. Jesus came to be our Lord, not just our Savior. Our spirit man is secure
with the Lord. But, it is our responsibility to renew our minds. He wants us to look to
the Holy Spirit working on the inside of us to lead and direct our life.
The church has taught so much about the saving grace of Jesus
that in may cases we have lost the reverent awe and Fear of the Lord. The early church saw examples of the power
of God to do good and to come against evil deeds such as Ananias and Saphira lieing about what they brought to the apostles.
They were stricken dead in front of them. That same God is the one we serve. We are to KNOW HIM, not just know
about Him.
Therefore, the more mature Christians rid themselves of
their baggage in order to help the new believers grow in Him each day. This is accomplished by modeling
the character of Jesus while explaining what to do each day in their daily life to continue growing in fellowship with
the Lord.