Who Started Therapon?
Dr. Paul Carlin is the Founder and CEO of The Therapon Institute, Inc. which is an Alternative and
Additive Licensure Board established in 1997 as Texas' First Faith-Based Counselor Certification School. Therapon
Institute is located in Crockett, Tx. Therapon comes from a Greek word "therapeuo" which means heal.
In 2000, four years after Governor bush's faith-based initiatives were introduced in Texas, Belief
Therapy became a registered trademark with the US Department of Commerce patent and Trademark Office, for psychological
and religioius counseling. See: http://www.therapon.org.
What is Belief Therapy?
Belief therapy is the faith-based lie-veresus-truth counseling process based on
the premise that people do what they do because they believe what they belief. Feelings are not the cause of our emotional
difficulties--they are the result. Belief therapy teaches that we feel what we think, and we think the way we believe.
Who can be helped by Belief Therapy?
Anyone with a life-controlling problem, irresponsible behavior, and/or any addictive-compulsive liefstyle
can be helped by Belief Therapy. Belief Therapy can help anyone who is willing to
accept the Word of God as the truth, willing to allow the Holy Spirit to expose the lies they believe and are willing to replace
those lies with the truth.
What qualifications do graduates have?
A Board Certified Belief Therapist has completed the certification texts and graded
materials and had at least 500 practical counseling hours with clients.
The Licensed Belief Therapist has at least 1500 hours experience and completed a
course study of texts and graded written materials over an extended period of time.
A Belief Therapist's desire is to see people grow in their trust of and obedience to God; and to
see people develop healthy relationships with themselves and others.
What type of licensure?
Belief Therapy programs are exclusively religious in nature
and are not subject to licensure or regulation by the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Therapon Belief Therapy
offers only nonmedical treatment and recovery methods, such as prayer, moral guidance, spirutual counseling, scriptural studies,
and belief that comes from the truth.