TO God Be ALL The Glory! Through
the enabling of the Lord, Mark and Dianna Senkyrik co-founded EagleHeart Ministries, Inc., a Texas chartered Non-Profit 501(c)(3)
corporation in November 2005. In February 2006 EagleHeart Ministries Counseling Center was opened and now operated
by the Senkyrik's. The Lord has ministered through this couple to other couples in various ways over the past 10 years while
helping many individuals find freedom from hurts and pain as well.
Mark and Dianna's journey with the Lord is fascinating
and full of adventure. They blended their two families when marrying in 1992 and today have five grown children
and 9 grandchildren. At that time, Mark moved Dianna and her 9 yr. old daughter from the city to the ranch
located 13 miles from the closest small town and life as they knew it changed forever! What an adventure!
Dianna often shares parts of her testimony
as a witness to the the power of God to not only deliver a person from a debilitating past, but build new life in
the process. Even though they faced many obstacles and challenging times, this couple knew God
had a plan and were determined to see it though. Ultimately, "what the enemy meant for harm in the early
years of their marriage, God has used for good" to help others who are suffering, many in silence.
Outreach Ministry
Although Mark is a gifted minister and counselor
himself, he prefers more of the supportive role as they minister. Dianna is gifted in the more public and
hands on portion of the ministry, currently accepting invitations to teach/preach or speak at churches, conferences
and public events. She mixes humor with solid biblical teaching providing examples of life application bringing
others into a place of better understanding. Jesus said, "for you shall know the truth and the truth shall set
you free."
Mark and Dianna are both Ordained Ministers
in good standing through Bay City Living Word World Outreach Center, Inc. as well as Licensed Addiction and His
Steps Counselors through Therapon Institute. In addition, Dianna is a Board Certified and Licensed Belief Therapist
through Therapon and holds an MA in Pastoral Studies and Ph.D. in Biblical Studies. They are both recognized
by the American Society of Christian Therapists; Mark as a Certified Pastoral Counselor and Dianna as a Certified Christian
Marriage and Family Therapist.
To invite the Senkyrik's
to minister or speak, please select "Contact
Us" on the navigation bar.